
Alpaca en Peru

Friday, July 16, 2010

Thursday July 15th, 2010

On Thursday, I slept til almost 11. I cant believe my body finally has given in and allowed me to sleep. Danias Mom, Lety, made sopitos for la comida. Sopitos are mini tortillas barely fried with meat, cheese, lettuce and a tomato based soupy sauch on top. Delicious. I have not eaten this much meat in a long time, but Im in Mexico! Her Dad has been planting his rice at the ranch and has been gone a lot. He showed up for the comida yesterday, but he had a baby cow that was less than a week old in the back of his truck. It had gotten lost from its mama and was scared and sick. He tried to feed it milk, but it didnt want to eat. So he came in to eat with us. By the time we got done eating, the poor thing had died in the back of the truck. It was super sad :(

Yesterday, Emigdio and I went to check out Colimas downtown, since I hadnt been in a long time. Not much had changed. Then he had a soccer game at 8 so we went and it started to pour. It has rained everyday since ive been here. He didnt end up playing, so we decided to suprise surprise..... go eat! Dania, Fer, Michel, Nayeli, Emi and I went to Antigua Comala to eat. Emigdio and I split the biggest quesadilla with asada I have ever seen with frijoles bien ricos! We also split a bottle of wine. It was super tranquil and lovely. We arrived home around midnight and passed out muy a gusto. It was raining pretty hard and windy and therefore cool outside and it made it easy to sleep.

Danias dog, Lola is a palmeranian. It yaps a lot and it basically hysterical all of the time. She got into a chocolate bar and ate almost the entire thing plus Dania fed her bits of brownie. So we awoke to her dog puking in her bed this morning and pooping all over the place. Good times. She seems to be fine now.

Dania and her family are going to Manzanillo to see her grandparents and family for the weekend, but I am going to stay here with my friends since its my last few days in Colima. Tonight we are going to Fernandos ranch to cook out with all of our close friends. It will be lots of fun and probably too much drinking, but im on vacation, right mom? Tomorrow I am going to Michoacan for a campout on the beach for my last night in Colima. I believe a DJ is playing on the beach and it should make for good stories later. Its almost time for la hora de comer (dinner time at 3pm) and I am going to go eat with Emigdio.

The sun is out today and I am ready to enjoy the humidity. Although I always thought it was hotter here in Colima, it has only gotten up to 85 since ive been here. I think we were just huge babies about not having air conditioning when we were here.

SHOUT OUT TO KELLIE!!! <---- Happy Kellie?!

Oh and I love you Mom!

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